Writing Life

  • 6 Tips for Writing A Novel With a Full-Time Job

    Writing a novel with a full-time job is challenging, but with these six tips, you can find the time, make progress, and write your book in no time.

    Can You Write a Novel While Working Full-Time? Writing a novel with a full-time job can be challenging, especially if you’re in the early stages of drafting your book. Many writers find they simply don’t have enough hours in the day to get everything done, let alone make progress on their books.  However, there are […]

  • How to Achieve Your Life Goal of Writing a Book

    Not all goals are created equal. Learn how to set the right type of goal that will help you achieve your life goal of writing a book.

    Achieve Your Goal of Writing a Book This is the year you will achieve your life goal of writing a book! I can feel it.  I was in your shoes not too long ago. I had a story idea that I knew people would love if only I could turn it into a novel. I […]

  • Master Your Mindset and Become a Successful Author

    Master Your Mindset and Become a Successful Author

    Reframe Your Mindset and Become a Successful Author Do you have a burning desire to publish a novel but never sit down to write it? Have you started drafting your book, but instead of writing it, you get distracted and sidetracked by life?  Overcoming your writing obstacles and becoming a successful author requires that you […]